Hi, we’re Healthee

We’re here to make confusing, inaccessible,
expensive healthcare a thing of the past.

What We Do

We build tech that helps people reach their full health potential

We’re on a mission to empower people to live their healthiest lives by making healthcare accessible, transparent, and easy to understand.

To do that, we built an advanced AI that demystifies employee health benefits. We named it Zoe, and she’s available whenever, wherever employees need her—No more call centers. No more waiting on hold. And no more wasted benefits.

Companies use Healthee to ensure their employees feel cared about and empowered at every stage of their health journeys, so they can become their best selves and do their best work.

Why We Do it

We believe everyone, everywhere deserves access
to high-quality, affordable healthcare
This starts with benefits people can understand and actually use—without stressing over coverage, skipping necessary treatment, or overspending on healthcare.
Most Americans are insured through their employers. That means making employee health benefits easier to use is one of the best ways to help the greatest number of people reach their full health potential, in the fastest way possible.

Where We’re Going

We’re working toward a world where people, organizations, and society can truly flourish
Our promise is to deliver transparency, simplicity, and efficiency to the world of employee health benefits so employees everywhere can become healthier, happier humans—lead healthier, happier lives— and, in turn, build healthier, happier communities that benefit us all.
As we continue to make it easier for employees to access their healthcare benefits, we aim to create a positive ripple effect that will push the entire healthcare system—and society—in the right direction.

Meet Our Team

Guy Benjamin


Ben Nagar


Amanda Ritter

Senior Sales Director

Debbie Sharvit

VP of People

Haim Gottfried

Head of Analystics and Research

Dr. Elad Ofir

Chief Data and Medical Officer

Ben Goldenberg


Michal Dotan

VP of Product

Moti Koren


Sabrina Corn

Senior Manager of Customer Success

Silvi Specter

Director of Marketing

Wendy Hipsky

Head of Sales

Backed & Believed In by The Best

Want To Join Our Mission?

We’re looking for hungry, enthusiastic candidates
ready to make a big splash!